Saturday, October 29, 2011


Hi there!!

Preparation... yes sort of ... Spent the past few days and about two weeks or more to read my story and to figure out if it's worth to continue it.

I wonder how more complicated my story can get towards the end. :)

And a few hours later afterwards... (I continued to write this blog later) I came to the conclusion yes it's worth. Yes it going to be a lot more complex and I hope I can kept it all together the whole story. There should be a revelation afterwards and a conclusion. Although I was tempted to write sth new but not this year... The other story has to wait a little bit.

Here are some notes that I took afterwards. Hmmm...

I have to say that I finished reading my story which I wrote last year. It was really thought at first as I am so out of this reading habit. Yeah that's bad, but I don't find the time to read at all. I always end up to do something else. At least now I have finished to read my book and I really love it. It has holes here and there but the whole structure isn't bad, the coherence either. I can follow and the scenes follow, the previous and so on.. It really fits together, one scene after the other, or talking about sth else then going back to where I stopped writing 5 pages earlier. It's so awesome!

Here are some notes that I took while I was reading. It looks a bit complicated but it's not that much. I still have an overview of my story. The story is not at all finished.. I can't believe it stopped in the middle, just when I reached my 50,000 mark (word count).

Anyhow, there's alot to do although I'm not quite in the mood... will write later!

Thank you for reading,
Your bionic PoetryGirl

Friday, October 28, 2011

What shall I say??

Hi there!!

What should I say?? I feel pissed, the usual thing but no it's not the PMS thing ;) No perhaps not pissed, more um... not quite quite myself. That is how I feel. There's so much I'd like to say but as this blog is public and almost everyone knows about it it's not even safe anymore :P

Anyhow, yeah I still write poetry... Here's a poem I found but I had to rewrite it again as the original version was barely readable.. I hope this one you can read.

I still have a few things to do this weekend... thank God I have a few days off so I will be able to finish hopefully everything on my to-do-list. I can't wait for nanowrimo to start. It makes me nervous but I am excited too. I am going to finish my psycho-thriller mixed with poetry of a schizophrenic poet. I couldn't have made it better, don't you think? :P At least I can still write poetry next month. I do not want not to write poems for a whole month. That would freak me out totally!!!!

I have some scenes where I could include some poems, from the poets perspective. I am a poet myself, in real life, and nanowrimo is not for poetry, it's more to write a novel a story, not poetry... so I will mix it and make it different. I think that is definitely something new! My plot and the whole story is quite dark. I'm not sure if anyone wants to read such a story but I want to write something different than from all the love stories with a happy end. Nah... it's always the same thing, I don't fancy that anymore. Let's write something morbid instead ;)

I think everyone's busy now with preparations for the upcoming writing challenge. I don't know if it's good to prepare or not, at least this year I want to try it. Last year I had 3 different plots for three different stories and what happened?? When Nanowrimo started I dropped all of them and started something new. AND... the year before.. I started a story a few days later I dropped it because I didn't like. (I already had some 6,000 words written at that time) I dropped it and started sth different... and had to catch up on my word count the first few days.. it was definitely not fun. So yeah.. anything's possible. I'll try not to be filled with many expectations except to just have fun and to write ANYTHING!

Thanks for reading!
Will write soon!

Your bionic PoetryGirl Registered & Protected

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I am like this girl // down under in Nanowrimo preparations ....

Hi there,

This picture makes me laugh because this is  exactly how I feel, just like this girl in the cartoon :) I even bought big poster paper, so I can do an outline of my story there and will not run out of space... only that I have not yet started... aaaaaah!!! 

This year I want to make it different and be at least prepared. I told myself I can write a story without knowing where it goes but it's better to write when you know how it will end. At least you have something like a guideline to follow. 

This video here makes me laugh, this will be my 4th nanowrimo and it's going to be really fun and exhausting, just like in that video haha

I think it's going to be a real challenge to write next week.. and the biggest punishment is that I have to do that later in the evening or early in the morning... as I cannot write during the day as I'm working. 

Your bionic PoetryGirl


What would you like to read?

Hi there,

I am trying to figure out what would you like to read here? As this blog is mixed, both with poetry and my ear, I still would like to know what you prefer and balance it, i.e. to post from both sides a bit. 

I wish I were savvy enough to figure out how to create a tab for each topic one but I am not that smart :P

So let me know if you want and I'll post from everything a bit :)

Thanks for reading!
Will write soon!

Your bionic PoetryGirl


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How do people with no sound wake up?

Uhhh waking up for someone who doesn't hear is always a challenge :P but it's not impossible... Before I lost my hearing, when everything seemed to be quite "normal" I've been wondering how people who do not hear wake up. At that time I didn't know that there are special alarm clocks with either flashlight or with vibration.

Mine is with a flashlight as you can see it here. It has a very high pitch sound too but I turned it off as I've lost my remaining hearing and so I do not need to hear that sound, I cannot even hear it. So when I do get up early I do not want to wake up everyone else with that sound. I only use the light. Thank God it does have a snooze function so I get a few more minutes of sleep :P

I feel blessed not to hear the ticking of the clock. Believe me, it would make me crazy!! I cannot hear that sound anymore. My sleep is a lot better with no distraction at all. :)

I will get back to you soon!

Thanks for reading!
Will write soon!

Your bionic PoetryGirl
 Registered & Protected

Lazy Wednesday

Hi there!!

Today's a lazy Wednesday. We have national holiday here "Staatsfeiertag" so I have the day off. It's nice as it's in the middle of the week. I was cleaning up my computer from unnecessary links and screenshots over the past few months. My desktop looked really messy.. and I have to clean up as I want to use a nanowrimo desktop with a calendar. Something like this here:

For such a wallpaper my desktop has to be free of any links and this is quite challenging... but I have time to fix it until next week.

I still haven't finished reading my novel. I will try to read some pages today and the rest in the next few days. I have to hurry because I have less than a week left before the writing challenge starts.

My mood is still quite reserved... but I will feel better. I just need something to distract my mind!

Thanks for reading!
Your bionic PoetryGirl,


Microphone protector applicator and removal tool

Sounds complicated?? Well it's not that.. This is a microphone protector. So this little dark dot is my microphone where sound comes inside and when this thing is gone I hear strange because something is missing. Without it it's just not the same, if that makes sense.

To change it you have to be careful because it's tiny and you don't want to loose it somewhere on your carpet. I once lost one of these protectors and each time I got a new one it fell off... because once this part was opened up it wasn't the same.. it took me a while until this little piece stopped falling out.

You get all the things that you need in order to fix it in this little box. Those little boxes are quite expensive here in Austria, about 50 Euro and you have just two inside to change.. imagine?!! 

I'm safe now as I have my *box* but it always freaks me out when something doesn't work with my CI or speech processor. 

For now I am lucky as I have my Cochlear Implant for a bit more than a year and it's still working super. Don't know how long it will stay this way. The expected lifespan of implants is estimated to be around 10, 20, or 30 yrs etc. It can be even less, you never know. What I know is that during my whole life I will have to be implanted a second time and/or perhaps even a 3rd time as I would like to get another implant on my right ear too.

Okay, I got a bit off-topic, but yeah I have my box of those microphone protectors! I'm prepared! :)

Thanks for reading!
Your bionic PoetryGirl,


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dark week ....

What shall I tell you?

I have a dark week or period in my life. I guess that shall pass by too. Every weekend I feel pretty upset. It's not the weather, it's none of it... For weeks I'm toying with the idea to burn my poetry, not all of them but some of it ... Why?

Because I wrote the poems, I am the creator and I can do it! It's plain simple!!! *sigh* I don't sound very happy do I?? No! 

I think that there is a lot more than this. So many things have accumulated from the past few months that it is just hard to let it go. 

I am aware that this post is now visible to the whole world, even to those people who know me or who work with me (yes they found my blog) Whether they read it I don't know but yeah they know about it :P. I do not care. Eventually you will find it out. So better here, now, ... welcome to my world! I don't know what else to say, I'll stop here because I already wrote a poem this morning. Two posts for today are enough... but you never know I might write some more later...

I will get back to you all soon,
Thank you for reading,

Your bionic PoetryGirl

Writing software during NANOWRIMO

Hello there!

Nanowrimo starts in less then two weeks ... I am in preparation but end up procrastinating ... :) Here is a software I came across, called WriteRoom for Mac! 

I like this software and will try to use it during Nanowrimo.

If you want go get it yourself too, here is the link:

Try it and let me know if you like it! I have the sound installed like a typewriter. If you have a Mac you can fix that immediately. I will show you in the next steps how to do that. It's very easy. First I had no idea and seached the net, then I messed something up with my computer and then after half an hour of headache etc. I fixed it again. Be careful how you set your *keyboard sensitivity* as you don't want a delay while typing... and to have to wait 5 seconds till your word appears on the screen after typing that letter.... or worse that you have to press long enough till it shows... well all this I fixed. If you want to try it, read on :)

Ok I must admit I feel really silly... and I cannot find it where to do those settings and my computer is in German... so um... crap LOL but if you can find that window then you are on the right way :) You can to click that very last square on the top right "TON AUS" then you will hear a sound while typing.

Then with the keyboard, you have to turn the little arrow at the top bottom to the far right "Ansprechverzögerung" or it will take you ages till your keyboard reacts to your typing.

I hope this somehow makes sense.. if not let me know and I'll try to explain it to you again.

So yeah, with this I am going to write and I can already tell you the sound gets on my goat :P but the good thing is that I can always turn the volume of my speaker down. I do not have to listen to it if I don't want. OR I can simply take off my speech processor as I have a Cochlear Implant and without I cannot hear. So have an advantage :)

I will get back to you all soon,
Thank you for reading,

Your bionic PoetryGirl

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